Pasture Rambles...

One of my favorite things to do in the springtime is to walk through our pastures. Spring is the best time for pasture rambling, before the grass is too high, or the bugs emerge. I love to take the kids with me and discover nature treasures with them, but their pace is faster than mine, their voices louder than mine, their attention span shorter than mine. And so sometimes I sneak off on my own to walk slowly, explore, be quiet, listen, observe, and discover.

I took these pictures two weeks ago and meant to post them right away, but life, work, the end of school, and (I'll admit) a few good books prevented me. Even though time has already changed what I would see on a walk now, I'd still like to share my spring exploration.

More bees have arrived

Coyote tracks in fresh mud.

Can you see the trackway?

Every little black dot is a tadpole...


The kids and I had found this robin's nest in our wild plum tree the week before. Mama Robin had been diligently guarding her eggs.

But now, an empty nest...

Perhaps whatever left this scat at the base of the tree was the culprit...?

Or whatever is living in this hole a few feet away...?

Bean sprouts emerging in the field (they are much bigger now).

Another set of coyote tracks -- these heading down the farm road toward Grandma and Grandpa's.

Crab Apple tree in bloom in the pasture.

The bees are enjoying the blossoms, too.

My lovely little goddaughter was baptized a year ago this week. And I missed it. Because a year ago I was hobbling around with a cane, recovering from my second go-round with debilitating sciatica. Living with a back injury is a cross Christ has asked me to bear. A small one most of the time. I'm never unaware that this cross could loom large if I move wrong, lift wrong, or twist wrong. 

When I ramble through our pastures, my heart sings praises to the Lord for my pain-free stride. Thanks be to God for health, healing, and unencumbered steps that lead to little discoveries in this beautiful world He has created for us.
